Although this is currently a personal diary, I hope this blog will eventually become more of an online "coffee shop" where amateur or aspiring musicians/artists/writers can share ideas and offer constructive criticism.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hedonistic Pleasures, A Shortening Lifespan, and Other Crap

Ah, an enjoyable evening, even if I took a few years of my life (Funny how that often happens).

I tried a variety of brands of cigarettes now. Tonight I tried Kool Milds and Pall Mall Milds. Well, if the Pall Mall Milds are mild, I HATE to try the full flavor ones - Sheesh!! Snorting asbestos would probably be healthier. The Kools, however, scare me - Because they are actually delicious and enjoyable.

So far, cigarettes were only an experiment and didn't make much of an impression on me, but the Kools are actually sort of addictive. Who would have guessed cigarettes could be habit forming? It's not like we haven't been warned an infinite amount of times!

And then I learned something new today. Menthol cigarettes (like Kools) cause crystalization on the interior of the lungs - Great for lung cancer! (Giggles!) Oops... Oh well, live and learn... And die.

I heard that each cigarette takes about 7 minutes off of one's life. But I'm not really too worried about that - Driving in this town takes about 2.5 decades off of one's life! Why is everyone is such a damn hurry??

Kind of a side note... The woman I bought the Pall Malls from was a student I went to high school with. I mentioned that we went to high school together, and she said "yeah," and went on about her business. For some reason, that kind of annoyed me. Don't get me wrong - I didn't expect an open-armed hug and an emotional reunion, but I thought there would be more than a "yeah" response. We haven't seen each other in 16 years - The "yeah" response was more like a 4 day absence, not a 16 year one.

And suddenly, I was transported to my elementary, middle, and high school days. And then I realized that having my teeth slowly broken out with a bottle opener would have been much more enjoyable than to relive those days. Memories...

Enough of that...

So, I had a "bartender's Dr. Pepper," which a rich beer (in my case, an amber Dos Equis) mixed with an amaretto liqueur. It tastes a little like a flat Dr. Pepper but with a HUGE kick to it. I've had it before, but this was the first time I had it while on Buspar and a diabetic medication. Oops again! Live and learn... And die some more. Oh well...

So I sat outside, drinking and smoking away, listening to "Weird Al" Yankovic tunes, the neighbor's cat falling asleep in my lap, while I watch the stars slowly moving across the sky, while the chemical concoction churns away in my stomach, liver, and brain. Quite peaceful and enjoyable actually. And probably a little more than unhealthy.

So... Now, I'm blogging away aimlessly while trying to figure out how I am going to get up in time to see a car show with a friend of mine in a few hours. Actually, I don't want to go. I like 50's cars, but only when they are like showroom cars of the 1950's, not these tacky, suped up hotrods with flames painted on the sides.

But this dear friend of mine really wants me to go, so I will still consider it. Her cousin that is interested in me will be there, but HE really is not my type. Don't get me wrong - I'm not homophobic. But still...

At any rate, my ego and self-esteem are so bruised that I feel better knowing that someone, ANYONE, could be interested in me. But then, I usually attract four types of people: alcoholic women, married women, married alcoholic women, and men. And people wonder why I am always alone...

Well, I've rambled enough for tonight, I suppose. One last bit of disappointing news... The only "college club" in my area has shut down. I've only been there once for lunch and was hoping to go there on a weekend night to find the more "artistic" types, but alas, it is not to be. I guess I need to move to a bigger city. I've really out grown small town living.

I guess I will finish my booze, give up on going to the car show in the morning, and continue to search for either UFO reports or granny porn. (Dear God... Did I just type that out loud??)

Ciao for now, stay safe, have fun, and remember to floss,


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