Although this is currently a personal diary, I hope this blog will eventually become more of an online "coffee shop" where amateur or aspiring musicians/artists/writers can share ideas and offer constructive criticism.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Screw aging! After all, aging screws us! (And some other gibberish...)

Hi there! It's nearly 4am, and I'm in the middle of a rare hypomanic state - Quite pleasant actually! Took my Xanax, no caffeine, and my mind is still buzzing away. Since I normally get up at 6am for work, I have a strong feeling that I'm not going to bed tonight! How's that for anarchy?!

Getting back to the title of my post... I read an article on MSN today about Beck (one of my favorite songwriter/musicians) and Shirley Manson (lead singer of Garbage, another one of my favorite bands). While the reviews of their latest works were good, the author made a issue about how Beck was in his mid-30's and how Manson was pushing 40.

So friggin' what?! Is there a certain age when music artists must hang up their guitars? I don't give a damn if they are in their 80's. If they rock, they rock - Period!

And since when was 30's and 40's "old?" Maybe I'm prejudice because I'm 34 myself, but I'm sick of the youth-only-oriented culture. Don't get me wrong - I support and encourage preteens and pre-20 somethings to pursue their artistic interests. I can adapt with the times. But I still don't think there should be a retirement age for musicians, regardless of their genre. I would prefer listening to a 60 year old punk than to a 24 year old pretty boy. (Are you listening, Justin Timberlake?)

And I'll be damned if I fit into someone else's mold of how I should look and act at my age. I feel more like a twenty-something now at 34 than I did when I was actually twenty-something. Of course, I was so drugged up with anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications while I was in my 20's that I do feel like I missed a few years of my life.

So I'm a "late-bloomer." So what? Maybe it's pathetic that I feel like "raging against the machine" and developing a serious disdain for the corporate and conventional world now at my age - But then, maybe it was pathetic that I supported the establishment so much when I was in my 20's.

Of course, add the fact that I date significantly older women to the mix and you get a severe generational screw-up on your hands. My MP3 playlist often goes from Tony Bennett to The Sex Pistols to The Beatles to Glenn Miller to The Cars.

If I should live long enough, I might join the indie music scene when I hit 40. And if I get slammed because of my age, so be it - I can slam others too!

Crap... I think I have poison ivy on the pinkie of my right hand. Must have been from petting the neighbor's cat.

Um... What was I talking about? Nevermind, doesn't matter... About another 90 minutes or so, I will have been up for 24 hours.

Oh... For those who managed to last through my rambling... What is your opinion about me creating a forum for poets, writers, and musicians - primarily to promote either long distant collaboration or to help people find like-minded artists in their area? I don't know what I should use to host the forum, and I know how forums tend to get trashed by script-kiddies, but I would like to create something a bit more interactive. Or better yet, if you know of a forum like this already out there, please let me know. I not an egotist - I don't mind if someone else does all the work! :)

Being a blog, The Slacker Shack tends to be a little too one-sided, with me doing most of the typing. While I enjoy my self-indulgent, semi-coherent rants, I do like interaction. Just thought I would throw that idea out into the ethers...

Ciao for now,


Blogger dorna! said...

"I would prefer listening to a 60 year old punk than to a 24 year old pretty boy."

Hear, hear! That needed to be said. :D

While I'm not a poet, musician nor writer I'd like to think I'd be cool enough to hang with poets, musicians or writers; so I'll weigh in and say you should definitely set up a forum. I found a bunch of free forum hosting type place through google.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hey dorna!

Thanks for your input. I probably will eventually create a forum for more interaction.

I looked through some of the free forums. I guess right now I just need to find one that has the least amount of advertisements... Or at least adverts that don't seem to be spyware scripts hiding in disguise!

Take care!
Drake :)

10:47 PM  

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