Although this is currently a personal diary, I hope this blog will eventually become more of an online "coffee shop" where amateur or aspiring musicians/artists/writers can share ideas and offer constructive criticism.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Damn that Vanilla Ice, 51st Wedding Anniversary, More Death Stuff, Lost on the Backroads, Haunted by my Past, and World Domination at the Tobacconist

Hi there! I think the title of this post basically sums up my day... But still, I will elucidate.

Elucidate, not hallucinate. But I can always hope!

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I suddenly was inflicted with a flashback to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" running through my mind. Why, oh why is that song still taking up space in my gray matter, and why did it suddenly decide to invade my consciousness while showering??

If there is a problem, yo, I'll solve it - Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it!


Well, today would have been my parent's 51st wedding anniversary. As far as mother is concerned, it still is. She said she will always be married to father - They truly loved each other and had a wonderful marriage throughout the years. It's so rare to see such love these days. Overall, she handled the day very well.

Today is also the birthday of a dear lady friend of mine who just lost her husband earlier this month. Her health is so bad, I always assumed she would go before him. I called her and she sounded very weak. I hope to see her soon, hopefully to help her in some way.

But enough about death. I don't want this to become known as "The Slacker Morgue!"

Later in the day, I tried to go to another friend's house, and somewhere along the way I realized that I had forgotten where he lived - I hadn't been there since 1999! The backroads were deadly - VERY hilly, curvy, and narrow and large, wide trucks fly through them. Even Xanax couldn't calm me down! But I did manage to find a lot of obscure shortcuts to various places in town along the way.

And then I stumbled across a place I haven't been to in years and years. Without going too much into my sordid past, it was a place where a... *coughhighschoolteachercough* and I would go to... "talk." And yes, that is a euphemism. One of many influences that have resulted in my attraction to only older women.

And a situation that I am often reminded of whenever I hear in the news about female teachers getting caught with male students. Probably yet another cause of stress and depression in my life...

But I digress!

It was ssssoooo very strange to be back there again - I had forgotten where the spot was located. And boy, did the flashbacks ever hit hard!

And yet, it also made me realize the passage of time. When we were there together in the mid to late 80's, it was a barren cul-de-sac. Now it is surrounded by houses and duplexes - Completely built up. And so it goes...

But to end this post on a more humorous moment... Today, while visiting the tobacconist shop, there was a curious women in her early 60's waiting ahead of me. She was a bit attractive but looked rather frustrated. She was nice enough to me at first, told me to go in front of her, but then suddenly she started to complain about the increase in sales tax for cigarettes. As she spoke, I could hear the anger in her voice build. She finally said the entire government needs to be completely torn down and destroyed.

In the middle of her building tirade, she became ticked off at the people stopping at the drive-by window to purchase their cigarettes. She said they were lazy and if she had her way, she would demand them to come inside the shop.

Suddenly, she looked me up and down and gazed at me - I got the feeling she was trying to read my response to her comments. I smiled and winked at her (yeah, I can be a flirt at times!), and she smiled back and said we really needed a dictator to set things right. I decided at that point that it would probably be best to remain silent and just continue to smile.

As soon as I got my carton of Kools (probably my last cigarette purchase since I plan to quit by the end of the month), I wished her the best and she smiled back, saying that she should be the one in charge of the country, and then she wished me a good day.

I felt better after that incident. I suddenly realized that I'm not nearly as high-strung as I thought I was!

Well... I think I've given you a decent snapshot of my day. Try not to be too jealous of me...

Word to your mother,


Blogger EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

Its a good thing you did not come to the States via Germany and then some 40 years later make your way back. You would really get lost and even forget where HOME was.

1:15 AM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hello EuroYank!

Technically, if I didn't care what the destination was, anywhere could be home. :D

Thanks for the comment!

8:01 PM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hello there, Abraham!

No need to thank me - I do enjoy reading your offerings! :)

Take care and keep in touch!

8:02 PM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hello there, Kelly Kell!

Thanks for the great and unique compliment! :)

Best Wishes!

8:03 PM  

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