Although this is currently a personal diary, I hope this blog will eventually become more of an online "coffee shop" where amateur or aspiring musicians/artists/writers can share ideas and offer constructive criticism.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A Buffet of Nonsense

Well, missed another day of work. I guess as a precaution, I should clear out my desk tomorrow - Save time if they should decide to fire me. My depression is back in full swing, but instead of being the "slashing-my-wrists-to-stop-the-emotional-turmoil" kind of depression, it is more of the "just-let-me-sleep-because-the-sunlight-is-mocking-me" variety. Add Xanax to the mix and you have a lump of breathing flesh taking up space. Not exactly a cheery day...

I did manage to practice the guitar some. If I try to be positive, I can admit that I do seem to be making some progress at it. I guess I am just impatient and worried that I won't be able to play it successfully. But I'm trying to fight against the urge to quit and keep practicing. I hope to record at least one decent CD of my music before I die someday. Of course, it would be an amazing musical achievement to record one AFTER I die!

A friend (or former friend, or pseudo-friend, or a woman who may not be a friend but plays one on the internet) contacted me in Yahoo Messenger yesterday. It was the first time I've heard from her in months! I had basically written her off, but she was extremely cordial, and I'm not one to be rude unless I absolutely have to. So we briefly chatted. She has the flu and a new boyfriend - Not sure if those two things are related, but that's the news from her. Oh well... Maybe I will hear from her again in August...

For those who are actually reading this, I actually did play in a couple of bands a few years ago, but as a keyboard/synthesizer player. I'm much stronger in the songwriting/composing department than as a musician, but I'm trying to change that. At any rate, I'm thinking of contacting Chonk, a west coast experimental songwriter/musician that reminds me a lot of an early Beck. Maybe while I am trying to strengthen my musical abilities he would consider collaborating with me on some of my earlier forays into music. Something to consider.

A close friend of mine wants to start a band TODAY, but he is much too optimistic and just doesn't realize how hard it is to create, maintain, and promote a band - And a good band at that! Right now, we are still trying to achieve "merely lousy" status.

Enough rambling...
Best Wishes,


Blogger Rob said...

Hey Drake,

Cool blog! I noticed you play guitar. I teach guitar in Seattle and recently started a blog on my website about guitar teaching and playing. I posted a few entries recently--"How to Practice," "The Importance of Having Fun"-- that you might find interesting.

I've also got tons of songs that I've written out for my students here:

I hope you enjoy the blog. Feel free to join in on the conversation and link to my site if you think you'll be coming back. I hope it'll become a forum that people return to again and again to swap stories and tips, and I plan on updating every couple days or so.

Have fun with the music,


3:04 AM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hi there, Rob!

Thank you so much for the response. Your pages look great and are definitely filled with very useful information! I now know what I will be reading for the next few days. :)

Thanks again - I appreciate the advice! Best wishes, Drake

9:54 AM  
Blogger Wildheart Musing said...

Drake, I noticed that in your bio you wrote that you are a "failed" musician and writer......but if you are still doing these things then you are have not keep doing them and damn the flamingos....full speed ahead. (In less loony terms.....good luck.)

10:14 AM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hey there, wildheart!

Point well taken. I will be the first to admit that I am my worst and cruelest critic.

But my attitude is that I will (hopefully) upgrade my "failed" status markers as time progresses and as I continue to strive to better myself.

That, and I like to keep myself humble. :)

Thanks for the comment and take care! Drake

10:45 AM  
Blogger Drake said...

Hello there, hopi2767!

Thank you so much for the words of encouragement - I really need them! :) I've been on the internet since 1997, but blogging is definitely a new, and so far, a very rewarding experience for me.

I am always open to suggestions, so please feel free to let me know what works and what doesn't with either of my blogs.

Thanks again and take care!
Drake :)

2:24 PM  
Blogger Diana Crabtree said...

Whatever you do DONT GIVE UP YOUR GUITAR! Creativity is the #1 antidepressant, and those of us with mental health issues have a special perspective that can be really helpful to the world if we are blessed enough to be able to express it with art.

That voice that tells you your no good is the depression speaking, and its bullshit. And lets say you are no good at guitar, playing more will make you good, not less.

If you hear a voice within you saying, "You are not a painter," then by all means paint... and that voice will be silenced.- Vincent Van Gogh

7:53 PM  

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