Although this is currently a personal diary, I hope this blog will eventually become more of an online "coffee shop" where amateur or aspiring musicians/artists/writers can share ideas and offer constructive criticism.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Hello again,

I touched upon in my previous post the wonderful documentary "DiG!" Well, I discovered today that the band Brian Jonestown Massacre actually has all of their CDs free for download on their website: Apparently, Anton Newcombe is so anti-corporate, he is willing to share his music for free. I strongly suggest people interested in quality 60's revivalist music to check them out. This is definitely a musical treasure trove worth exploring!

Still, I personally want to eventually purchase the CDs or make a donation in order to encourage him (and his ever changing band) to continue writing and creating new CDs. This music is too good to be forgotten and lost to time!

Just a recommendation from your buddy, Drake

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Still alive? Yep...

Well, after a very ragged August and September, I'm back to blog once again. The most obvious change to the blog is the color - I never really liked the techno green I originally had.

I also added a few links, the most important of which is The Dandy Warhols' website - I never realized what a great band they were! You can learn more about them and their friends/enemies, the Brian Jonestown Massacre (another good band), in the excellent documentary DiG!

Other news... I'm still trying to churn out a score for a friend's independent film. Due to a difficult summer - hence the lack of blogging - I haven't been too productive on it, but I do have enough pieces to work with to get it finished. And there is talk of me starting a band with a friend. God knows, I'm masochistic enough to do it!

Oh, and I tried slashing my wrists a few weeks ago but ended up severely injuring my right thumb and having to go to the ER because of it. It wasn't a "cry-for-help" thing, nor was I really attempting to commit suicide. I found out the medication I was on, Cymbalta, works on norepinephrine, which acts on adrenaline. In short, it can give a depressed person an extra boost of energy at the wrong time. At any rate, I'm alive, off of Cymbalta, back on Lexapro, taking better care of myself, blah-blah-blah.

So that's about it for now...

Stay safe!

Attorney at Law